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Year 6 Science Planning - Light ( 6 Lessons)

Year 6 Science Planning - Light ( 6 Lessons)

Detailed science planning for light topic (year 6) using smart notebook. **Worksheets are also included. ** The planning covers all elements of the year 6 national curriculum. Lesson 1 - Light travelling in straight lines. Lesson 2 - Light travelling in straight lines and reflection. (note to teacher - dot to dot task isn’t included but can easily be recreated - please see slides). Lesson 3 - How we see. Lesson 4 - Forming shadows experiment. Lesson 5 - Shadows recap. Lesson 6 - Periscope making and the science behind it. I am the science coordinator at my school and the quality of the children’s work was noted by OFSTED using this planning. I’d highly recommend taking photos of the children completing any experiments and sticking it inside their science book.